The Place of CREATIVITY and Innovations in Church Growth- Rev. Onisoshene Shedrack Charles

As leaders, one word that must reoccur in our mouths_ in every meeting or service, must be growth

It has become habitual for me as an individual to see first on Monday mornings, not the income of the previous day, but the growth in membership
After spending six months in any new posting, if there is no numerical growth or structural growth, I am not happy!

Added to that, the minds of the People must grow
Look at the creativity in creation and man. We Are a mass of machine with different functioning of the minds. Everything synchronised

Growth could be:
– mental,
– numerical or
–  structural.

An unhappy Pastor can never grow a Church.. Do everything possible to keep the Pastor happy.

Philippians 2:10 (KJV)  That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

God has given wisdom for creativity and innovation in the different professions in the world. Some Chirches are psychologically and mentally beaten.

An epitome of creativity is Archbishop Benson Idahosa of blessed memory.
He came on stage when it was acceptable for men of God to be wretched!
He came.and introduced instruments in Church.
He was the very first to open a University.
We were the first Pentecostal church to open primary and secondary school as well as hospitals.

– The ability to generate new ideas
–  The ability to come up with alternatives and solutions in unique and diverse ways.
– It is the ability to conceive something unpredictable, unique and original.
– Creativity is not genetic. It can be developed

– Creativity is brainstorming. It should  be on how to reach the unreached

While Creativity is mentored
INNOVATION is application of ideas, through technology and ministering to the needs of people around you.

You can not be CREATIVE if you are not INNOVATIVE. One leads to another. What do you need to do to be more acacceptable? There are global and religious influences.

There is competition amongst churches. Each is interested to win souls and this competition aims T the Same goal…soul winning.
If you do not innovate, the church will not grow.
Something has to create that difference that will attract people to you.
Your ministry must be attractive to get people to come.

In the 50s when the Church was done with movies…
1. Change is about the HEART, and not the HEAD. 

There are young people with obsolete minds while there are old with innovative ideas.

You must change or die.  
We are small because our minds are small

1. To think innovative; you must be creative
Sometimes one of the biggest challenges to innovation is being around prople ho not have like minds.

2. Find innovators
Use different people and not the same people always.

3. Think outside the box
Never think failure. Stop riding dead horses

1. Learn to be interested in new things
There are two groups of people in the world.
a. They create something
b. The  produce nothing.

2. Overcome uncommon instinct for resistance

3. Be quick but realistic.
Be your biggest critic before someone else criticises you.
Billy Graham said He had the capacity to think Big where others saw limitations.
Where others saw limitations, he saw possibilities
Billy Graham says He was promoting the greatest product on earth as even an ordinary soap.

We you overcone in your mind you will overcome on your knees and you will see changes

Prayer and fasting will be wasted if we undermine some of the things we talk about.

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