Fathers that know God- Rev. NYONG

Genesis 18:19
For I know him, that He will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken of him.

Everything God does begins with the family.  Jr chose a land full of idolatry and singled out one,  an He trusted will affect his family,  Abraham.
The family is crucially important in the eyes of God.
The father of the home is vital.

Homes that have no directions cannot fulfill God’s plans.
Abraham did not depend on Sunday School teachers to train his family.  He was the Pastor, etc.
The leader of the home has a vital role to play in the process of his family.  The children cannot advance beyond the level of our faith.

What Christianity will become tomorrow depends on what we do today.
We need to have fathers who know God, and not fathers who know about God. Father’s should set the spirit tone of the home.

When Abraham was taking Isaac to the mountains to sacrifice,  Isaac did not say anything, because he had implicit trust in his father.
However when Isaac grew up and had his home, there was crisis.  Isaac loved Esau, Rebecca loved Jacob.
This is why Jacob passed through struggles before he entered into the promises of God.
Jacob referred to God as the God of my fathers, because he did not know God personally.

Let fathers love their wives and children.

Every reproaching family issues,  we stop it today in the Name of Jesus!
Every affliction in the family shall not rise up a second time.

Every children with one parent missing,  God will stand in for the  missing parent.
God will meet their needs in every dimension
Provide, supply, be mother, father,  husband, and mother to them. Health them emotionally.