The ordained Minister and Church Growth -Rev. (Dr.) Onisoshene Shedrack Charles

Every organisation succeeds on the calibre of its leaders.
John Maxwell writes:. Everything rises and falls on leadership.
If leadership is not working, the organisation will no to work.

In Acts 6, the Ordained Minister was instititied.
The ordained minister is one that is recognized and ordained by the church to help to he pastorate, protect and prioritise the church mission and unity, by meeting tangible needs.

In the early days, the widows felt segregated. There was an issue of tribalism etc.

The disciples felt the complainants were a distraction to their purposes and calling.
There were qualifications including:
– soundness in faith.
– must be blameless
– must have godly wives
– manage children and family well
The ordained Ministers play an important role to the growth of the Church.

A church that is not spiritually healthy will not be a good breeding ground for multiplication.

As a Pastor, I have seen 100% increase in one year, I have also seen 60 % and 200% increase respectively, in two years.

It is our primary duty to prepare the ground for the new converts.

Growth comes with Pains;
Growth comes with Responsibilities!
Ministry by the holy Ghost is tough.
It is not ministry by human wisdom and strategies.
If this Church has to grow, as Ministers, we must sit up. We must align with divine principles of Growth

In Acts 6, when the vision was aligned with, the Church multiplies.

When God sends us the crowd, whom will they learn:
-Dedication to duties
– Commitment
-Humility, from?

Everything that works, takes work?
It must start from the ordained.

We must come to that point where we tell people COME AND SEE!

We must endeavour to keep the grass Green! This is for the sheep to come and eat and become refreshed.

Leadership should engage with the Pastor. This is how the Pastor feels the pulse of the members and this is what brings about growth.

Is you makes excuses for stagnation, then you cannot conquer it.

We must have zero tolerance for unfruitfulness

Jesus told His disciples that the harvest is ripe but the labourers are few.

The work is Great. The work is Much!

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