Meeting of the Registrar with Heads of Units.

Opening Prayer Mrs. MFON UDOM 12.05pm

  • The Registrar welcomed every head of Unit.
  • He said the reason for the summons is as a result of an urgent need for advices required almost on a daily basis
  • He said he received a memo that has to do with recovery of debt from guarantors for staff on staff development.
  • He wanted the heads to brainstorm and streamline our approaches to staff development.
  • He had no idea of staff on stagf development within and outside Nigeria as same appeared to ne shrouded in secrecy.
  • A case in study was a staff-administrative staff- who went on staff development, then turned it to special leave that lasted for a long while and a day after the Registry review, she sent in a letter resigning her appointment with the University.
  • The memo from Personnel on the case was to the effect that the resignition should be accepted.
  • The Vice-Chancellor has directed that the appointment of the staff should be terminated, but he us of the opinion that due process should be followed and she should be imformed that the resignation is unacceptable, request her to give the normal three months notice or 3 months salary in lieu of notice.
  • He was of the opinion that many embarked on the stagf development with the intent of never returning to the University.

To profer a way out, the heads were requested to give suggestions.

Mrs. Mfon Udom

  • She said the reason for recommemding the acceptance of the resignation was because she had been on a special leave without pay for two years, and having not neen paid for two years, the issue of refunds did not arise, in their reasoning.
  • She wanted to know if the refusal was because she had not given the required three months notice
  • The guarantors of all defaulterswere to be written to , and their names had since been given to the Bursar.

Mrs. Edak Umondak

  • Most of the problems were on staf who had benefitted from the stagg development anout 4-5years ago.
  • Most of them did not read or understand the terms and conditions of the staff development bond.
  • Most of them had no idea theor periodic reports had to be forwarded to the ujiversity from their supervisor on demands,
  • We may have to brief beneficiaries as they receive their letters of awards.
  • The Unit does not have trainned staff. Only one staff is an old hand and is not steady on his seat on health grounds.
  • Recourse will have to be made to records for a proper picture of all staff.
  • The unit does not have a comprehensive list of ataff on staff development.
  • The Staff Fevelopment committee is an experiemce i norrowed from UUTH, but there is much work still to be done, as staff almost close to the age of retirement.
  • Can someone who is 50 years be granted staff development? Will he finish on time to serve out the bond?
  • We need to see how strong the bond is and if same is enforceable in court.
  • The case of one Mr. Imo Sampson Essien whose guarantors were called up to pay the bond sum. Mr. Essien had appealed in a letter that the guarantors should not ne surcharged. He agreed to take the responsibility to offset the sum.
  • She mentioned that the admun staff under reference did not go on staff development.
  • She had gone to join her husband on staff development who she claimed was ill and needed surgery.
  • She was granted special leave and she later applied for staff devlopment and it was approved.
  • There was need to work on the xompilation of staff on stagf development.
  • She requested for a skilled secretary and the one posted is not properly skilled for the volume of work envisaged.


  • There was need to develop a data for all staff on staff development.
  • There was also need to work with ICT to develop a Template
  • Dorectorate of Training was carved out of Personnel and so both habe access to staff files which will enable them have information on the age of the staff
  • There may be need to place age limit for staff development for 55years. The Director of Training Was to bring up a paper in this regard.
  • The proposed data should notify the University when someone has overstayed in his staff development, beyond the 5years maximum, and thereafter, the liability of the guarantor should be considered and the guarantors notified.
  • It was also discovered that Mr. Essien had a none Univesity staff as his guarantor. There was need to have to specify the level or position of a University staff that can guarantee any staff going on staff development.
  • There was need to bring in inbuilt policies that will forestall the exploitation of the university.
  • Personnel will raise a paper that will form a policy in that wise.
  • If the termination is put on the University website, it will help people to sit up.
  • For the young man who after his staff development went to ABU without serving out his bond or paying back. ABU has agreed to debit his account ,onthly, the sum of N50,000. This will take a very long time to recover. A letter should be written to ICPC for the recovery.

Barr. Udoibit

  • On the issue of staff development, i have serbed on a number of panels where defaulters were investigated and recommendations made to Management. He had no idea if such panels were still set for defaulters.
  • The bond form and award letter should be reviewed.
  • Where the University is overstretched, there is nothing wrong in seeking refress in court for bonds made under oath.
  • There are provisions in the Staff Conditions of service can be invoked to terminate appointments in events of default.


  • It must also be stated in the policy paper that guarantors must be below the rank of Associate Professors, not beyond the age of 65 years.

Mrs. Iniobong Odejimi

  • On the Template which will alert Managemnt whe pwersons have overstayed their staff development, Staff Training should have such records.


  • The letters to guarantors of defaukters should be written immediately and such letter must xontain timelines for making refunds.
  • A letter was to be written to Mr. Essien, giving hi a time frame to mzke good his promise, thereafter, we debit the guarantor if he fails to make payments within the specifoed time.

Mrs. Umondak

  • In giving the time frame, are we looking at their positive response?


  • A maximum of three months should be given as the University does not seem to be having memories.


  • Essien should be informed that he has not indicated the rime for payments


  • The guarantor of the staff who absconded to ABU, his guarantors should also be called to make the refunds.


  • We are gradually becoming sentimental in our brief writing.
  • There are issues regarding wrong salary placement in 2010, 2011 and 2012 . We must be uniform in our recommendations in the brief.
  • We are also going back to 2003 and 2008 to recommend people for appropriate placement. This has already generated some problems.
  • All errors should corrected generally, not notionally for selected staff.
  • The Head of SATS is sometimes very emotional in his writings and people have begun to quote him.
  • Briefs should be written with files. I am reluctant to supercede letters. All previously distributed copies must be with withdrawn.

Mrs. Mfon Udom

  • Where cases were approved before my assumption of office, we treated them without knowing they will request for financial benefits to their promotions earlier denied.
  • Many staff have been queried based on errors made for more than 3 months.


  • It should be confirmed the limit of time within which complains would be entertained based on the Public Service Rules
  • Briefs should be properly written as the Registrar has towork on volumes of documents on a daily basis.
  • Some menos like leave forms can be handled by Directors.

Chapter 9 Public service rules

090208 – (a) A petition will not be entertained if it:
(i) does not comply with Rule 090201:
(ii) deals with a case in which legal action is pending in a Court of Law;
(iii) is illegible or meaningless.
(iv) is worded in abusive, improper, or foul language; or
(v) merely repeats the substance of a previous petition
without introducing new relevant matter.
(b) A petition submitted more than six months after the decision complained of has been given, will also not be entertained, unless such delay is supported by valid reasons.
090209 – A petition should conclude by stating concisely the nature of the redress sought, and a petition
which exceeds in length two pages of foolscap must also include a summary of the reasons adduced in support of the redress sought.



  • Since 2016 the lawyers in adnin have not be sponsored for conferences, the only profesional conference we have to attend which is compulsory.

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