Monthly Archives: May 2016

Divine Intervention -Rev. Idongesit Alfred

Psalms 127:1-2
God will interceded on your behalf for two basic reasons:
1. His purpose
2. His compassion

Jeremiah 1:19
Ephesians 3:18-19
Jeremiah 18:4
God took him to a potter’s house

Proverbs 1:25-31, see vs,26

When and we why need God’s help
1. When the situation was bound to fail by your efforts -Luke 8:43-48

2. When you have no one that is able or willing to help you out of your predicaments
John 5:6-7 -The man by the pool.

3. When your own choices and limitations has become the yoke that we are carrying
John 5:8
Jesus is saying neither do I condemn you. God will still reach forth to you when you don’t even deserve mercy.

If Judas had repented,  he would have been forgiven. His sins were not as grievous as Peter’s, who denied Christ 3x.

Don’t just sit there hopeless, rise up

4. When you are in a battle that you are not even aware of.
We are  constantly in that battle.
John 8:10-11
They may be people who have plotted Gainst you wit
out any fault of yours.  God is bringing me Out!
5. We need God’s intervention  all the time

Why does God intervene?
1. For your faith to be intact( Luke 22:32, 1Corinth 10:13.)
Your faith is very dear to God.
What ever happens, our hearts must be right.
In going through difficulty,  you may lose a lot of things,  but your faith is in your hands and you must  not let go.
We must guard our hearts with all diligence.

We must not just seek the Hands of the Lord, we must see His Face also.
God’s intervention begins from the inside Out!

God is very particular about the state of our hearts.

How to Filter instructions received
1. Appropriate it to your situation
The heart is like a tree, nurture it.

John 6:5

The Scattered Dry Bones -Rev. Daniel Kalu

Ezekiel 37:1-12

★God will not bless you in your scattered state
★The beginning point to your next level of blessing and
divine location is Unity

God took Ezekiel to a valley full of dry bones! He asked him a simple question: Can these bones live again?

The word of God in your life makes you a supernatural being.
May my canality not corrupt my spirituality! Amen.f

★The number one problems  was not  that the bones were dry,  but that they were scattered.  There was no order in their placement

★The devil thrives in division.  In James 3:16, the Bible says where there is strive, there is bound to be division.
□Any man who sows a seed of discord is an anti Christ.

★Uniformity is not Unity. That people are wearing the same uniform, is not a proof that  they are United.
The bones may look alike but they may not be together.

★Let bone connect to bone ( Network,  Synergy, Almagation,  Cooperstown)
★The strength of every organization is in its structure,  eg David uniting the southern and northern kingdoms.

★Our strength is not in unity, but in diversity!
When God commands His blessing, it is a commandment and nothing disobeys the voice of God

When there is Unity, there will be no need for 40days prayers and fasting.
Disunity limits anointing.
The only prayer Jesus prayed for the Church is that they should be one
There are certain fights you cannot fight alone.
You need a back up.

One can chase 1000, but two can chase away 10,000

Daniel 10:13
13But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief [of the celestial] princes, came to help me, for I remained there with the kings of Persia.

Michael was the back up here.

If David’s Armour bearer was not there, he could have been killed in the battle!

Until bones join to bones, the flesh cannot  connect  and stand as a mighty Army! The strength of the army is bone coming to bones.

God bless you.