Monthly Archives: January 2016

The Blessings of God to Families- Rev. Idongesit Alfred

Colossians 3:24
Lord let there an evidence eof my service to you

It is an earrassment that our children do not know the Lord
Let them know God for themselves.  Mu child will not be wayward.
The Blessings of Salvation
1.Persecution is abolished
2. None will bring reproach to me

Not every service is acceptable to bring blessings
Lord I will not serve you in vain
I will not offer strange fire before you. Save my family from the spirit of religion.  Lord deliver my family from religious spirits

training service is primarily obedience
You hear the instructions and you carry out the instructions.
I will hear God for myself
Lord let know your plans and expectations of me in the Church.  Let me know my gifting and calling.
1Samuel 3″1
May Your voice not be rare in my life. Let my ear hear you at all times.

The Right Motive in Serving
Lord search my heart,  change whatever ill motive I have for service
May I serve you for the right motive.  May motive approve my work

Spirit of Willingness
It is better not to serve than to serve grudgingly
May I serve wholeheartedly.

I shall  preseverve in my service
Lord I serve you to the end. May nothing make me turn my back on you
I will not die in the wilderness of persecution

Anything in my family that does not represent redemption,  let it die in the Name of Jesus
Jesus had already paid the ultimate sent
On Christ the  solid rock I stand.

When things are contrary, God is up to something- Pst. Mannie

Deut 1:17, Exodus 14:15
In front of the Israelites was the Red Sea,  behind them was Pharaoh’s Army!

If we are going to move to the rip, we are not going to look at the natural.
If you are a Christian,  you must depend on the natural.

When natural situations are contrary,  that is when God is about to do something.
This year, I must be like a patient on the surgeon’s table, depending on the Lord to do to you as He wills.

Whatever seemingly misfortunes I see this year, it is for my lifting.

When couples work contrary,  that is a recipe for stagnation.

Every barrier of disunity in the family,  let it be broken in the name,email of Jesus.

Family bitterness. Most men have beat their wives psychologically,  most women are but against their husbands,  this is a recipe for stagnation.

God help me to have the eyes of understanding enlightened.  That my eye will be opened to know the t
me of my visitation.

Luke 24
I will not work in the natural

in every lifting,  there must be distraction.
In Nehemiah 4 To bias and Sambalak  came to Nehemiah purporting to help him, but he knew they were not real.

Every Jonathan that is not going to make me ascend my destiny, every suggestions coming to distract us from divine destiny,  friends coming to sap our spiritual energy,  let there be a distraction.
Proverbs 10:4
Idleness and slotfulness would not be the portion of my family this year in 2016.

In 2016, I will neither be idle, lazy, mentally confused

Our children would not be idle
They will be like zeroing the hands of a mighty man
None will be accidented and or killed.

Moving to the Top Days 1-3-Bishop Sunny Faith Ugbah

Deuteronomy 32:10-14
He found him in a desert landAnd in the wasteland, a howling wilderness;He encircled him, He instructed him,He kept him as the apple of His eye.11 As an eagle stirs up its nest,Hovers over its young,Spreading out its wings, taking them up,Carrying them on its wings
12 So the Lord alone led him,And there was no foreign god with him
13 “He made him ride in the heights of the earth,That he might eat the produce of the fields;He made him draw honey from the rock,And oil from the flinty rock;
14 Curds from the cattle, and milk of the flock,With fat of lambs;And rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats,With the choicest wheat;And you drank wine, the blood of the grapes.

When Jehovah leads a man, Je alone instructs him. God alone will lead you this season.  He will direct my path. Amen.
God did not lead him to destruction,  I will be a lone player from tonight.  My place in the valley is over in the name of Jesus.

There is a place that is not crowded, the top. What does it take to get to the top?

1. This is doing as commanded, and not as convenient
You cannot get the blessing without submitting to the demands of obedience.
Deuteronomy 11:1-13

When you work in obedience,  you become unstoppable
I will never be found at the bottom.  Amen.
Ecclesiastes 12:13

A place at the top is guaranteed for those who walk in obedience
You cannot obey God if you do not obey man.
1. Obedience is the Master key to answered prayers

2. Obedience is doing anything God asked you to do, regardless of the cost of consequences (Phllipiana2:8)

3. God does not accept substitutes to obedience
1Sam 15:22

4. Disobedience to God always produces devastating consequences.  It opens the door for satanic attacks Proverbs 1:24-26, Isaah 1:20

5. Pomotion will always follow your obedience.  Philipians 2:8-10

6. You will never attract beyond your last act of disobedience Joshua 7:12

Day 2

Obedience means
Hupo -under
Akouo – to Hear

You are God’s servant because you have come under His coverage
– Your obedience determines who obeys you
– Your obedience is your weapon to subdue the devil
2 Corinth 10:4-6

– Anytime you disobey an authority constituted by God, you have no right to exercise authority.

1. Your lifting is tied to your level of obedience. Respect the authority that God jas constituted.

No matter who is oppressing you, if you are obedient, that man jas God to contend with.

2. Miracles only Come to the obedient, not the logical.
Luke 5; 6
May God give me grace to obey. Men may mock the process, but they can’t doubt or deny the results.
God will give, etc outstanding testimonies and miracles today in jesus name, Amen.

If God is God, Je will give, etc results.
Joshua 7; 2-4
My wall of Jericho will fall in 2016

3.. My obedience is the only proof that I believe God
When a man obeys God, it is the only tangible evidence of His love for God.

4. Your provision, miracle, breakthrough is only guaranteed at the place of your obedience
1Kings 17:1-9
God cannot pay for a trip Je did not send you.
Lord, ay I never be in a place that you have not sent me.

Obedience is doing as commanded ,
Obedience is not doing as convenient, but doing as demanded

Hebrews 1317
Never too with somebody who has the ability to bless or promote you.
Ephesians 6; 3
Obedience helps life to be well with you.

People struggles through life because they have offended the wrong person.
Obedience is very important because every destiny is established by obedience.

1 Samuel 10:8,13-14
God wanted to test the character of Saul. He was under intense pressure
Saul failed the character test. The test came from God. He lost the kingdom by this singular act of disobedience.

Genesis 22:15
I will not fail God in the mighty name of Jesus.

2 Corinth 8:13-15
Obedience is also proven when you respect the person” s absence.
Your obedience determines your height in life.
In 2016 I 1i will land property

Deutrronomy 28:35
Curses come upon disobedience
Lord I receive grace for obedience

Obedience will make life easy for you

Not all the Israel it’s who left Israel entered into the promised land because of disobedience
In 2016, I will not fail the test of obedience

The staff in the valley Rev. Joshua Ojichoro

Psalms 23:1-4Walking with God sometimes takes us through the Valley.
The Extravagant God is a God we cannot understand most times.
When you find yourself in the valley and be tempted to believe that God is far…

How to identify valley
1. Every effort T progress is like an uphill task
2. The valley is the last place to receive sunlight
3. When the sun is going down,  the valley is the first to receive sunset.

Examples of the staff
Genesis 49:10
Esther 5:1-3
Job 1:12 , 2:7
No matter the valley I find myself, i
will come out victorious

Job 19:25
I will end at the top. I will see God in this valley
The staff is not in the enemy’s hands

Altar of Thanksgiving- Rev. Daniel Kalu

Psalms 110:1-3
Judges 16
The problem may be above me, but it is beneath the Lord.
The grace of God is the divine enablementi to rule in the midst of my enemies.
The darker my background,  the brighter I will shine.

That witch is not a problem
That wicked boss is not a problem
I am designed to shine
This grace enabled Jacob to overthrow Laban on his own house.
It is not the boss that determines what happens.  Joseph had Portiphar s household in his hands.
After today,  I will pursue whatever is pursuing me in Jesus Name.

Judges 6
1. May Grace my feet not take me to where God’s grace is available.
Grace is tied to location.  If you go to where God has not called you, grace will not be available.
2. Lord weed away every Deliliah of destruction in the life of my brethren.
3.. Lord give me a new strategy,  such as you gVs to Sampson, to rule and dominate .

The Extravagant God- Bishop Ugbah @ Power Night

Genesis 15:1-6
Genesis 17:1-2

For 24 years,  Abraham was still expecting the promise.  Somewhere along the line, he made his own private arrangements. 
Between Ishmael and this time, was another 13years and God appeared again  and to reintroduced Himself to him as the Extravagant God! The Unlimited God! The God with the ability to fulfill His promises.

Hebrews 11:11-12
It does not matter how death my situation is tonight, the Extravagant God who is judged faithful will do for me, extravagant miracles for me.
God is not limited by my thoughts.
Abraham received the promise but did not judge God faithful and the promise remained for many years!  1

A double minded mind is unstable in all his ways.
As long as Abraham and Sarah were unstable,  all they received was Ishmael.

! Y life is about to be rejuvenated.  Where I was written off, a difference would be manifest.
What I have been told can not jeopardize  my faith in God.
The same God that visited Abraham and Sarah will visit me in the Name of Jesus! 

Thanks Giving 2015

Prayer for men. REV. NYONG
Psalms 103
God has been faithful to the men.
No man has been lost in 2015.
God blessed the works of their hands

For new marriages
For new births
For provisions and Providence
In the lives of our husbands, children
Shielding us from the attacks of the enemy

For youths -Bro. NSIMA
for all the marriages amongst the youths
For employment
For inauguration of Service 360

For the children -Kwrwmfon Alfred
For Life and successful academic sessions
For new deliveries

Deutsch 8; 18
Foe the customers
Business ideas

For the Public  and civil service Barr. Otu Etukudoh
The programs of government will succeed through our hands
2016 will be better for the service workers

For Nigeria -Pastor Minnie
For 2015 elections which falsified evil prophesies against Nigeria
For keeping Nigeria together by the finger of God
Doe the economy of Nigeria
For the oil and minerals
For peace in Nigeria
For the President of Nigeria
For the council of ministers
For the legislators,  state and federal
For the power and banking sectors

For the Church-Pastor Ekerete Nkom
The blessings and victory upon the church
For the power and presence of God
For His anointing, testimonies,  healing, 
Abilities imparted upon the ministers
Victory over the power of darkness
For deliverances
For marriages

For 2016 -Dcns Ime Peter Etok
I am already in 2016 2Kings 3
Thank you for crossing over with my entire family
For the victories of 2016
For our business successes
For completed projects
Foe sweat less favors
for supernatural remembrance and appointment
Grace to serve God in a new dimension
For more anointing on his servants to declare the mysteries of 2016
Numerical strength of the Church in 2016, spitaually and physically

The God Factor in your destiny-Rev Joshua ojighoro

Malachii 3:6,
Galatians 1:13-136
Psalms 105:17-21
1 Sam 16:1-16
There are thoughts God has for us before we were born
Jeremiah 1:5
This packaged destroy is being attacked, and sometimes aborted.
Biblical Examples
he persecuted the church until the church scattered.  He went after them in Damascus to arrest and bring the, back to be persecuted.
He was a lawyer par excellence.
The question ia: What if he had died before the encounter? He was ordained an Apostle from the womb,  yet he was vigorously pursuing something else.

The horse Paul rode non was to fight his own destiny.  My destiny is not packaged by any, man, but God.

1samuel 16; 11
Danish destiny was almost  destroyed by exclusion.  His father semt him away to tend animals.  Psalms 25:10  whatever has caused me to be excluded God will caus. even me to be remembered.
That oil that is meant for my head will not fall on another man’s head in Jesus Name.
The man will the bush clothes beat the 7 who ere well dressed
Life may have excluded you, but God will bring you to your destiny.
You have been packaged before you were born.  Nobody will about my destiny.
God is a factor in my life that cannot be undermined.
Malaxhi 3:6
When God opened a chapter for Joseph,  he woke up a prisoner,  and without coup or rigging elections,  he became the prime minister!

The God factor changes Everything!

Thanksgiving can change your Life- Bishop Ugbah

1 Kings 3:3-5
It was thanksgiving that made Solomon a special man. The only kig who never went for battles.

John 6:5-
…and when He had given thanks!  Thanksgiving multiplied the loaves. The secret of multinational is thanksgiving.  I’d you will give thanks for God for the little, He will give you much.
Never despise little beginnings.  Whatever you present to God in thanksgiving,  God multiples the blessings.  Nothing ever reduces with thanksgiving.
My my thanksgiving this season bring multiplication.
1. Remember everything you  have is from God
, iJohn 3:27. Psalms 24; 1

It is a privilege that God has loan us everything we have
1 Corinth 4:7 whatever you are today God made you!
It is not because you are too smart,  it is the grace of God.
God demands thanksgiving from us.
James 1:17
Are you thoughtful?  He positioned help for us on every side let us be thankful for every good thing.

2. Avoid complaining
May God have mercy,  complaint amplifies confusion,  it invokes an invitation to the devil! 
Psalms 77:3
Every time you complain, your spirit becomes overwhelmed,  the blood pressure shoots up.
I will not be overwhelmed in Jesus Name
Complanning is the archenemy of thanksgiving.

God give me the grace to complain throughout 2015. May I no longer see the bad side of people.  Let me not compare my children and spouse.  Words are powerful.  If I quit complaining,  my life will change
Philipians 2:15, Isaiah 8:19

3. Develop a daily discipline of thanksgiving
Eph. 5:19,
The key word here is always