The Importance of Vision/The Power of Vision Days 11& 12 Bishop Sunny Ugbah

Acts 9; 6-16
1. Until you ask, you cannot receive
The greatest day in your life is the day you discover the reason why you were born.
★ Vision sets the pace for any man’s destiny
Luke 6:39
2. The eyes of vision is the mind
★What you cannot see,  you cannot possess.
The only way you can see into the kingdom of God is by the Spirit
-when others see death, you will see life
-when they see an hindrance,  you will see an opportunity.
For you to make progress in life, you must see beyond the natural
Luke 6:39, Genesis 13:10-15
3. Consulting with God before taking any decision is the only way you will make t choose by sight. Abrams choose  by choose.
. When you lead yourself,  you will pay the dues, take responsibilities and bear the consequences
But when God lifts a,man, a he foots the bills and bears the responsibilities.
★Don’t make any move no matter how appealing and enticing that thing is.
4. What you cannot hear,  you cannot access.
★When you see, you can pursue and when you pursue, you can possess.
Isaiah 40:6
★Some go without being sent, others seem never to have heard and live presumptuous lifestyles.
★You must receive fresh dues from him daily.
1 Samuel 3.5-9
★if you are too busy to hear from God,  you will live a life of frustration.
★when you see well, God will perform it
Jeremiah 1; 11-12
★You cannot run well unless you see well.
You cannot be confused when you see well how do you see well?
5. It is your inquiry that leads to discovey
★Ask in your closet; 
Whatdo I do?
What business do I pursue?
Acts 13:2-3
This separation and discovered enabled Paul to write 2/3 of the New Testament

Vision that is discovered and pursued takes the visionary  to his expected end.

6. Men of vision are pacesetter. They generate speed.
Vision that is discovered and pursued takes the vision er to his expected end.

May God wisit me early in life.
When prosperity comes when I am too old, I cannot enjoy it.
7.. When you know where you are going to, you will not be distracted.
Hebrews 12:12, Isaiah 28:26

8. Vision is the only guarantee for a life of dignity  and honor.
Propverbs 29:18
★People of vision are distinguished people
Romans 8:28
Vision is what makes you a man of honor
★ Men of vision are not driven by circumstances or situations

9. Vision makes you to do the impossible
★The future depends on the things that are not seen
★ If all you see is what
others see, you will stop where others stop
★The eyes is the Window to the soul. To have vision, you must have a windows to the soul.
Vision is not for carnal (natural) people because they are spiritually packaged.
★What you cannot conceive , you cannot deliver

Hebrews 11! 24-27 NKJV
★What you see determines how far you can go.
If you can dream it, it becomes possible.
In times like this, what is God saying about the situation.

Don’t live your life at the mercies of

Your life is in the hands of God.
Luke 9:16
When you look up, you will see differently

seeing differently
Mark 7:34
If you desire to break through that cycle that no man has ever crossed, see the coons of God.

In Genesis  28, Jacob got to a place running from his brother,  and the sun was set. In that state of despondency,  he took a stone and laid down, there he saw the visions of God and God spoke to him

In Genesis 31 when Laban began to dribble him
Vision will always speak for you.
Engaging the supernatural,  seeing the impossible
John 11:47
Seeing the invisible
Doing the impossible
If you desire to see the invisible,  then do the impossible

Prosperity first seen from the inside
★the best your parents could have done for you was to give birth to you, whatever you become in life is your responsibility.

3 Receipt for failure
1. Disorderliness
2. Lack of respect for time
3. They blame people for their misfortunes

10, Every vision has an appointed time
Habakuk 2:3
Vision speaks at the end, the appointed time

1 Chronicles 12:38
By the last day of this year, my visions will be speaking to you.

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