Monthly Archives: January 2016

Day 18- What to do with your God given purpose -Diligence

9. Diligence
★The constant exertion of effort to get things done
★Holding ourselves accountable for the vision God has given to us.
There is something we have to do to make that dream come true.

★A plan that is executed is failure.
How will you feel if not after going through life, you discover that you never  lived?
1Thess. 4:11
★Idle people thrive on gossips.

Ecclessiates 9:10
★Give yourself fully to what you are doing.
You cannot be half-hearted in what you are doing and expect results.

Proverbs 22:29
★When you are working, no one may notice you, but no man will deny your results.
★you will stand before Kings, not mean men
★Let that vision about you be outstanding
We blame the devil for our failings but no one seem to consider  what would have been done to assuage that situation.

Proverbs 14:23
★People want to earn without laboring.  Idle talk of the lips leads to penury
★There must be the tilling of the ground before the satisfaction of bread.
★It is work that bring a channel of blessings

Proverbs 12:11
★What are you putting in place for that big tomorrow
Proverb 10:4, 20:4, 19:15
You either embrace hardworking or get ready for hard life,
Proberbs 13:11n
There is no alternative to hardwork2
Any success to u did not earn.

★eresults only speak at the end and men will not deny the results

★Psalms 28: 2

Deut. 28:12

Day 17 -:What to do with your discovered purpose

God cannot do for you those things He has empowered you to do for yourself.

6. Persistence
This simply means you have not arrived, but must keep pushing without stopping until you get it
Galatians 6:9
…In due season.

Sometimes it is not difficult to start, but the ability to sustain that which we have started.
★You will reap only when you are due. Due season will always come.
★It is not a matter of “if”  but “when”.
Success is moving from failure to failure without loosing excitement.
The Bible did not say it will always work out at the beginning,  it says it will speak forth at the end.

Pray until something happens. 
A child falls many times min thing to take steps to walk, but still get up and try again.

★ Satan cannot stop a man that is determined. ? Keep pushing.

Isaiah 40:28-31
Proverbs 24:10
I will not faint this year, there is no one who does not face contrary winds.

Psalms 126:5-6
Whatever I have sown in tears, I will rwap in joy.
Nobody is declared a winner until he braces the tape.

You must run to the end, no matter the situation.
As long as you still have breath in you, there is hope.
That someone has overtaken you is not a guarantee that he will win at the end.

7.   Dedication and Loyalty
1 Timothy 4:15
No one can succeed on anything without dedication and loyalty.
Let your totality be committed in whatever you are doing.
Dedication is deadly commitment.  Loyalty is a personal commitment,  a final analysis. It means here I am, you can count on me.
Loyalty will cost you everything.  When loyalty is tested, the real man manifests.
Sometimes min testing your loyalty,  your convenience would be affected.

Are you willing to pay the price or you want to blame others for your failed dreams or misfortunes?
How loyal are you to Jesus?

Day 16-Choosing your own company: what to do with your discovered purpose – focusing on excellence and creativity

Hosea 4:6.

You cannot be operating on an obstacle wisdom and hope to make progress.
★A man should begin to plan for retirement on the day he receives his appointment.

Hard work
★If you don’t want an hard life, then you must embrace hard work
Covenant people are hardworking people
Hard work challenges you ability and brings out the best in you.
★ Distinction answers to men of hardwork

Choose Your Company
★ Everyone has a company. Whom do you go to, to  seek counseling from?

★Any relationship that is not helping you to advance yourself is not helpful to you

★walk with someone going towards the same direction with you.  Provrb$ 13:20, 27:17

1Sam 10:5
★The environment you create determines what grows p,
★The books you read, the company you  keep determines how far you can go.
If your company is progressive,  you will also progress.  Move with the right people.

Focusing on excellence and creativity
★ distinction is a function of creativity be a prtuilippian 1 :18,
Pjoopians 3:14
Be a perso your own class,

Quality does not necessarily mean it is expensive.
You can make something out of your life  if you engage your mind
And excellent oriented person is always seeking ways to improve wuqpity
Philippians 4:8

Mat God empower your minds to think on something true this year, not falsehood

Don’t think of any thing you don’t want to see. Life is a self fulfilling prophesy.
Thinks of all the good things of life.

May the creativity in me distinguish and propel me
I will not be stranded career wise in Jesus name
I will not be stranded financially in Jesus Name

Pst. Mannie Church Grouth. Day 13 Morning

Luke 5
God will only reach those who understand why He is doing anything at any particular time..
Colossians 1:9
Lord fill us with the knowledge of your will
Everything coming our way,  may we see your finger and be led by You Lord
God’s will is tied to His purpose. Lord let me know the purpose for which your good come to me.

Mathew 11:12
Lord whatever it takes, we will advance the kingdom this year. No excuses or explanations.
I refuse weakness this morning
I refuse compromise
The church must advance forcefully,  even if it will take my time and resources,  impinge on my resources.

The gate is not offensive,  it is defensive. Every gate that says no, I command you to come down this morning.

★What God will do in my life this year will draw men unto themselves Psalms 90:13
This year I will carry God’s beauty.

Lord let your BEAUTY be upon me. Let your duty be upon my brother,  husband, children,  and may I not abrogate the glory to myself.
Psalms 90; 17
God’s beauty will establish the works of my hands in the Name of Jesus.
StiuLord give me a star testimony that will attract men to you.
★Whatever is in me that repulse people, what the enemy has planned to destroy my testimony,  Lord I cancel it
★People will not doubt the ability of God, but will see the demonstration of God’s mighty power in me
★My life will not be distressed this year
★Do something new in my life.

The kind of people that God use Day 9-10 Bishop ugbah

Genesis 37:5-7

Jeremiah  1:4-12
Exodus 3:11
God uses ordinary persons
★He does not call the qualified,  He qualifies the called
Amos 7:14-15
There is no kind of people that God cannot use.
He  used Rahab, and Saul

No one is too small nor too big to be used by God or to receive His blessings
1 Samuel 22:1-3
1 Corinth 1; 26-29
He uses ordinary things so that no flesh will take His glory.

What does it take for the ordinary to become an extraordinary person?
The ordinary has to hook up with the extraordinary

Romans 10:11-13


There is no distinction between any for the same Lord is Lord of all who call upon Him

1. Call upon the Name of the Lord
Jeremiah 29:11


Everyone that amounts to something in life must  know his destination
Do you know your destination?
Always ask yourself where you are going.

I will get to my destination.
A man who has no purpose for living is not fit to live        – Martin Luther King
Destiny is you driving as a

Genesis 28
There is no man on earth that God has not deposited something in,

Destiny is not fate
Destiny is not luck
Destiny is not circumstances

Destiny is expected  end
Satan can never stop a determined mind.  He can afflict your spirit vyt not your determination and destiny

Where do you expect to end up in 2016?

My destiny has an expected end- A hope and a future.  I refuse to be an idler and complainant in life.
Romans 10

The family -Bishop Ugbah

Deut. 33; 5 Let Reubens live and not die, nor let his men be few
MY family will live and not die
Every demonic covenant is revoked by the blood of Jesus
Every representation of a curse is hereby terminated
There shall no more be an infant of days, or any man who has not fulfilled his days
Barrenness is terminated,

Deut.  33; 7
My hands will be sufficient for me
My family will not go bankrupt
Poverty will not affect us
The Lord will help us against our enemies
All who have vowed against me, may this covenant be against them.

Deut.  33:8-9
The Levites only stood by the word of God whenever the word of God was violated.
As I stand for righteousness,  the truth will never depart from my family
When men seek right standing people, God’s light will shine in my direction

Deut.  33:11
My enemies will not rise up again
Those who plot evil against me will not rise again
This year, the Lord will disgrace me.
God will carry my family and I in His shoulders.
If God carries me, every contending force will have God room contend with

Deut 13:14-17
Let the blessings come upon my head
Trouble, disaster,  misfortune etc will not come upon my head or the heads of my family members
The blessings of the produce shall be our portions in the Name of Jesus! 

Deut 32:18-19
My going out and coming in will  be blessed
No man shall take what belongs to me
The good of the enemy will come to me
The food of the land will come to us

Deut. 33:20
I will be a standard bearer of Government and administration
I have the binding force that will put everyone together

Deut 33:22
My family will not be looked down on as a mediocre family
From today, my family will be like the family of Dan
I will match them spiritually, physically,  academically,  financially and otherwise

Deut 33:34-25
Even un my family,  mine would be the most favored
In my office,  I will be the most favored.
My opinion will be most relevant
The lines will fall for me in pleasant places.
My sandals shall be iron and bronze,  anyone daring me dares God
I will never never be a welfare project
I will not be a liability to my family or Government even in old age
I will never be incapacitated
I will age graciously

Deut. 33:26-end
There is none like my God
He will thrust out my enemies and destroy all,  y adversaries,  problems,  limitations
I will dwell in safety

Psalm 92; 13-
My eyes shall see my desires upon my enemies
My ears will hear the report about my enemies
My life shall be an evidence of God’s goodness

I can see everything turning around for my food. Amen.

Day 7&8 Bishop Ugbah -Vision

Running with your vision
1 Corinth 8; 23-2

Only runners obtain!
Every one that runs has his eyes on the crown,  this is vision, every believers eyes is looking towards obtaining the crown
God has given you a destination,  you must take steps towards the direction.

No vision comes to pass until you take steps towards the direction of your vision.
Vision sets a man on motion

How to run with your vision
1. Start from where you are.
Start small,  there is something in 5our hands.
If you are not ashamed to start small, God will not be ashamed to make me grow to greatness.
What you have is enough for what God wants you to do.

Until you go through the shame you cannot see the glory
Live your size per time, and avoid a fake life. Fake life is a tension filled life.
Isaiah 28:10, job 8:7, Zachariah 4:10
Nobody can contest your great  future

2. Be prepared to make sacrifices
Any vision that does not cost you something is not worth the trouble.
Your assignment may even cause you some relationships -friends that will not add value to you.
You make new friends at every level of your achievements.
Your level of sacrifice determines your glory.

The height that you desire to attain must cost you something

3. Be optimistic
Think positively

4. Do it
Genesis 12:4
As long as Abraham waited, he didn’t enjoy the promise. He only had the vision.
The blessings of the promise is for those that do it.

The race of life answers only to runners and not spectators

Genesis 13:2
Distinction answers to only men and women of action.
Pursuit is what gives life to your purpose.

The greatest developer of a hidden talent is hard work. This is because it challenges and brings out the best in you.

A grounded life is a grounded future.
Do it. Don’t let that vision die in your head.

No status changes until one takes a step to change it.
God does not encourage idleness, Mand so he will not do for you, what He has already empowered you to do,

Don’t sit on your breakthrough and turn round to blame the devil.
Stop being a missionary,  be a visionary. Give motion to your dreams.
Give actions to your intentions.

Day 4-6 Moving to the top, Bishop Ugbah

Psalm 119:18 NIV
Open my eyes that I may see, wondrous things in your law
Vision is the pathway to the top
Ephesians 1; 18
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people

2 Kings 6:17
17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Genesis 21:19
God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.

It was vision that saved Ismael.
This year God will  Open my eyes to see
Where others see grass, u will see grace
Where others see blockage, I will see opportunity

How to recognize a God given vision
Daniel 10:7
Daniel, was the only one who saw the vision; those who were with me did not see it, but such terror overwhelmed them that they fled and hid themselves.

Habbakuk 2:1-4,
Jeremiah 29″11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares theLord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

My future is colorful,  an heir who does not know what his father had may end up in penury.  So is a Christian who has not discovered the promises of God.

God has deposited so, etching in my account.
God packaged me for beauty and glory, and the devil did not truncate it in Jesus Name. There is no need to envy anyone.

Until there is a discovery, there cannot be a recovery.

Vision is not ambition
You may succeed in the ambition, but it will be a struggle

Vision is not an impression

Vision is not  imagination

Vision is not my circumstance or situation
Vision is irrevocable,  but circumstances may change

Don’t tKe important decision when under pressure
Don’t let the enemy box you to a tight corner. Stay because the storm will soon be over.

Reaction is not vision
You do not become called into ministry after you have lost your job

Vision is not confirmations and affirmations
This is subject to manipulations

Vision is not association
Everyone has his own track

Vision is a divine insight into God’s plans and purposes for your life
Having a divine insight into your placement in life

You can only blossom where God has placed you.
It is the delivery of divine plan.

It is the capacity to see beyond your eyes.
The eyes that look are common,  but the eyes that see are rare.
This is because vision is a function of the heart while seeing is a function of the heart.

Vision is divine. It is  given by God
vision is given when you ask.
If you don’t ask, you won’t received.

John 4:34-35

1. Vision dominates life
2. Vision enhances purpose
3. Vision brings focus
4. Vision brings discipline in time, etc
5. Vision generates speed
6. Vision makes you impact conscious.
Men of vision affect their generation
They rule those who have  no vision

Day 5
1. WATCHING or waiting stage
★ Every answer from God is a vision
★Everything God says and you pick, is a vision
★Every God given vision is in stages

2. Documentation Stage
Write it down
3. Planing stage
No vision has a future without planning
There is no vision without planning.

4.Execution stage
This is the difference between a visionary and a missionary.
 A visionary knows where he is going,  but a missionary is already on tfield

5. Implementation stage
A  vision only has a future when you step out to Implement it .
If  God have you the vision,  He will take steps to implement it,
Turn that vision into a mission. 
Take steps towards the fulfillment of that vision,

Vision without motion,  ends in frustration.

Thr 4 Elements of a Divine VISION
EVERY divine vision must answer 4 questions

1.  What is the content of your assignment for 
Isaiah 40:6
If God called or sent you, what did he ask or send you to do

2. Location – That place God sent you to, where is the place,?
Thee is always a landing place for the fulfillment of every vision. 
Vision does not always flourish in every place,  except the place.  There is a place where sacrifices flourish. Some  giving will reduce  the giver because they gave in the wrong place
Jonah1: 2-3
When a man refuses to go to where he is sent to,  he will go to the wrong place. Lord let me never be at the wrong place. Order my  steps this year, let me not side step

When it is not yet time,  the man suffersIt took David 9years of being pursued into the bush by Saul, until it was time to bring him, forth
When the time comes,  the person suffers.  There must be a collusion of time and chance for there to be a lifting .
If  you are the right place at the wrong time, or at the wrong place in the right time, it still will not work out.

3. VISION- The How -resourcesGod does not give you a vision without provisionThis vision may be to acquire skills. David under studied Saul and it made it a better King. It could entail learning a tradeMathew 6;:22-23 NKJV

The Importance of Vision/The Power of Vision Days 11& 12 Bishop Sunny Ugbah

Acts 9; 6-16
1. Until you ask, you cannot receive
The greatest day in your life is the day you discover the reason why you were born.
★ Vision sets the pace for any man’s destiny
Luke 6:39
2. The eyes of vision is the mind
★What you cannot see,  you cannot possess.
The only way you can see into the kingdom of God is by the Spirit
-when others see death, you will see life
-when they see an hindrance,  you will see an opportunity.
For you to make progress in life, you must see beyond the natural
Luke 6:39, Genesis 13:10-15
3. Consulting with God before taking any decision is the only way you will make t choose by sight. Abrams choose  by choose.
. When you lead yourself,  you will pay the dues, take responsibilities and bear the consequences
But when God lifts a,man, a he foots the bills and bears the responsibilities.
★Don’t make any move no matter how appealing and enticing that thing is.
4. What you cannot hear,  you cannot access.
★When you see, you can pursue and when you pursue, you can possess.
Isaiah 40:6
★Some go without being sent, others seem never to have heard and live presumptuous lifestyles.
★You must receive fresh dues from him daily.
1 Samuel 3.5-9
★if you are too busy to hear from God,  you will live a life of frustration.
★when you see well, God will perform it
Jeremiah 1; 11-12
★You cannot run well unless you see well.
You cannot be confused when you see well how do you see well?
5. It is your inquiry that leads to discovey
★Ask in your closet; 
Whatdo I do?
What business do I pursue?
Acts 13:2-3
This separation and discovered enabled Paul to write 2/3 of the New Testament

Vision that is discovered and pursued takes the visionary  to his expected end.

6. Men of vision are pacesetter. They generate speed.
Vision that is discovered and pursued takes the vision er to his expected end.

May God wisit me early in life.
When prosperity comes when I am too old, I cannot enjoy it.
7.. When you know where you are going to, you will not be distracted.
Hebrews 12:12, Isaiah 28:26

8. Vision is the only guarantee for a life of dignity  and honor.
Propverbs 29:18
★People of vision are distinguished people
Romans 8:28
Vision is what makes you a man of honor
★ Men of vision are not driven by circumstances or situations

9. Vision makes you to do the impossible
★The future depends on the things that are not seen
★ If all you see is what
others see, you will stop where others stop
★The eyes is the Window to the soul. To have vision, you must have a windows to the soul.
Vision is not for carnal (natural) people because they are spiritually packaged.
★What you cannot conceive , you cannot deliver

Hebrews 11! 24-27 NKJV
★What you see determines how far you can go.
If you can dream it, it becomes possible.
In times like this, what is God saying about the situation.

Don’t live your life at the mercies of

Your life is in the hands of God.
Luke 9:16
When you look up, you will see differently

seeing differently
Mark 7:34
If you desire to break through that cycle that no man has ever crossed, see the coons of God.

In Genesis  28, Jacob got to a place running from his brother,  and the sun was set. In that state of despondency,  he took a stone and laid down, there he saw the visions of God and God spoke to him

In Genesis 31 when Laban began to dribble him
Vision will always speak for you.
Engaging the supernatural,  seeing the impossible
John 11:47
Seeing the invisible
Doing the impossible
If you desire to see the invisible,  then do the impossible

Prosperity first seen from the inside
★the best your parents could have done for you was to give birth to you, whatever you become in life is your responsibility.

3 Receipt for failure
1. Disorderliness
2. Lack of respect for time
3. They blame people for their misfortunes

10, Every vision has an appointed time
Habakuk 2:3
Vision speaks at the end, the appointed time

1 Chronicles 12:38
By the last day of this year, my visions will be speaking to you.

That Name Jesus- Pst. Ekerete Nkom

Acts 3; 2-6
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares theLord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
3    Who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked an alms.
4    And Peter, fastening his eyes upon him with John, said, Look on us.
5    And He gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
6    Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

Acts 4:10
10    Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

This man was helped room where he could receive arms, when a man helps you, the help us limited.
I will not return the same way came I, I will not en the way I ended in 2015.
One encounter with the man Jesus changed the story.

There is power in the Name of Jesus of Jesus